I am delighted to welcome back Anthony G. Jay, PH.D. Dr. Jay is involved in research on stem cells, epigenetics [things that influence gene behavior], and infrared light at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He is also President and CEO of AJ Consulting Company which does DNA analysis (currently being offered at 1/2 price) and coaching to personalize consumer or athletes’ diet, sleep, and training. That is the topic for the first half of the show. In the last half, I will ask about his findings on stem cell therapy—including what supports them and what interferes with them. He is the author of Estrogeneration: How Estrogenics Are Making You Fat, Sick, and Infertile which we covered when he was on HBN January 23 of this year. Read the 1/28/21 blog for a review of details discussed.