Guest: Alexis Cohen is a Visual Artist, Creativity Mentor, Shamanic Practitioner and Hypnotherapist. Alexis’s passion is for helping mothers, artists and visionaries heal and strengthen their connection to their body’s wisdom, creative power and intuition.

In this episode, we will cover: How developing your creativity in your pregnancy will help you to open up to the creative power of your birth rather than shutting it down  How to "Befriend the Unknown" through the creative process Tips on how to use Creativity after birth for stress relief and fun, when the day-to-day care giving to your baby can become overwhelming Resources mentioned in the conversation: Alexis Cohen's website: link to schedule a FREE 30 minute Creative Growth Mapping Session  About Alexis Cohen:

Alexis Cohen is a Visual Artist, Creativity Mentor, Shamanic Practitioner and Hypnotherapist. Alexis’s passion is for helping mothers, artists and visionaries heal and strengthen their connection to their body’s wisdom, creative power and intuition.

Alexis supports women through all their creative processes, including art, writing, ceremony and childbirth. With a decade-long background as a Doula, Alexis finds that her work in birth has beautifully woven into her current practices, and has transformed the way she sees her life and the lives and experiences of her clients.