Guest: Jen Kamel helps birth professionals, and cesarean parents, achieve clarity on VBAC through her educational training and consulting firm:

In this episode, we will cover: the common misconceptions women have about the risk of VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Cesarean) and those that birth providers have. what the current medical research says about the risk of VBAC and the risk of subsequent C-sections how to create a birth team around you that is truly supportive of your VBAC  Resources mentioned in the conversation: Jen Kamel's website: to get the Top 5 Uterine Rupture Myths pdf to get the 5 Secrets to Planning a VBAC pdf About Jen Kamel:

Jen Kamel helps birth professionals, and cesarean parents, achieve clarity on VBAC through her educational, training, and consulting firm VBAC Facts. As a VBAC strategist and nationally recognized consumer advocate, her mission is to increase VBAC access through educational programs, legislative action, and amplifying the consumer voice.

She has presented Grand Rounds at hospitals educating obstetricians, maternal fetal medicine specialists, midwives, residents, and midwifery students on the latest VBAC evidence. She has traveled the country as a California Board of Registered Nursing Continuing Education Provider presenting her signature program "The Truth About VBAC" to hundreds of professionals and highly motivated parents. She speaks at national conferences and has worked as a legislative consultant focusing on midwifery legislation and regulations that impact VBAC access. She has testified multiple times in front of the California Medical Board and legislative committees on the importance of VBAC access and has served as an expert witness in a legal proceeding. She envisions a time when every pregnant person seeking VBAC has access to unbiased information, respectful providers, and community support so they can plan the birth of their choosing in the setting they desire.