Guest: Sarah Bester (CNP) is a Family Nutritionist and Picky Eating Coach who helps busy moms raise healthy eaters instead of picky eaters.

In this episode, we will cover:

what Sarah believes parents should focus on when starting solids with their babies (it's not what you think!) why creating healthy eating habits from the beginning is so important for your child later in life the Top 5 "Starting Solids" Tips that will help you and your baby enjoy mealtime and create good habits

Resources mentioned in the conversation:

Sarah's website: Link to the Cheat sheet Sarah mentioned in the episode: Join her Raising Healthy Eaters Facebook Community for daily tips on how to raise healthy eaters instead of picky eaters

About Sarah Bester:

Sarah Bester (CNP) is a Family Nutritionist and Picky Eating Coach who helps busy moms raise healthy eaters instead of picky eaters.

As a certified holistic nutritionist, with an expertise in feeding and healthy habits, Sarah knows the importance of feeding our kids the right foods.  As a mom “in the trenches” with two young kids - and a third on the way! - she also knows first-hand how challenging it can be to actually get a meal on the table (and the frustration that follows when kids refuse to eat it!).

Her research-based individual coaching and online group programs, provide easy-to-follow steps that will put an end to picky eating and mealtime drama. More importantly, she empowers parents by giving them the tools to help their children develop long-term healthy habits.