Guest: Amanda Dodson is the Founder and President of both the Japan Birth Resource Network and The Birth Education Center of Okinawa and was voted the 2016 Spouse of the Year for Marine Corps in Okinawa, Japan.

In this episode, we will cover:

Amanda's journey from Military Mom to natural birth advocate for military families in Japan how she sees the network of doulas in Okinawa she's created could be implemented at military bases around the world how being voted Military Spouse of the Year in Okinawa has opened doors in Washington DC for this dream to become a reality

Resources mentioned in the conversation:

About Amanda Dodson

Amanda Dodson is a DONA certified birth doula (DONA), a certified HypnoBirthing Practitioner HBCE, Founder and President of the Japan Birth Resource Network and founder of The Birth Education Center of Okinawa.

She was also voted as the 2016 Spouse of the Year for Marine Corps Base Camp SD Butler in Okinawa, Japan.

Her journey as a doula began in 2008 which led to the path of becoming involved in HypnoBirthing The Mongan Method. She has served several military families through education and as a birth doula.

Amanda currently resides in Okinawa, Japan with her husband of 18 years and 3 children as a Marine Corps family. They were stationed in Okinawa from 98-05 and returned in 2011-current.

After returning to Japan is when Amanda saw a need for continuity of care for military families and resources that can support them throughout pregnancy, birth and postpartum.