Dr Paul Thomas (affectionately known as Dr Paul) is now on a mission to educate the public on the issues of toxins in the environment and in vaccines, and brings general pediatric and controversial topics to his patients in person and to the world on YouTube and his blogs. He is not against vaccines, but wants to guide people to vaccinate in as safe a manner possible and encourage the vaccine industry to improve the safety of the vaccines we currently have and develop safer options in the future.

Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., former Senior Fellow at the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University, is an award-winning science journalist and book author. Her writing has appeared in many of the nation’s most respected and credible publications, including the New York Times, the Washington Post, and on thecover of Smithsonian Magazine. A meticulous researcher who’s not afraid to be controversial, she is nationally known as a journalist who opens people’s eyes to the realities behind accepted practices in health care.