In this episode, I talk with Ryan Jones about his experiences starting Florence Healthcare, a software solutions provider in clinical research, focused on document and data management. He talks about his personal journeys well as the challenges faced when launching technology solutions among clinicians.

Ryan Jones started his career at Boston Consulting Group before becoming Product Manager for Microsoft Sharepoint. From there, he became President of Pubget, where he helped the web's largest sites make information understandable and accessible with document management technology. Pubget had 600 medical centers and 6 of the 10 largest pharmacies as customers -- and he saw an opportunity to further serve customers like these. He co-founded Florence Healthcare in 2014, and is now the acting CEO, with a passion for leading the company to build intuitive software that accelerates clinical trials.

Key TakeawaysBehavior change in the healthcare industry is particularly challenging because it requires you to understand the compliances and regulations for getting approvals from the FDA along with overcoming resistance to change from already overstretched health workers.When you are launching your Healthtech Hustle, it is incredibly important to get specific with the problem that you are trying to solve. Within the healthcare industry, there are hundreds of problems that you can build your product around and so it is important to find your niche and develop relationships with your customers so that they can give you honest feedback.When you want to scale your impact, you have to take a step back from everyday problem solving and be able to look at the bigger picture of the potential of your solution and the value that it is bringing. As entrepreneurs, we are naturally built to be curious and focus on the problem at hand but in order to grow your company, you have to prioritize scale.
Key moments01:29 – Ryan talks about getting on the path pivoting into the health tech space and starting Florence Healthcare through document management.03:22 – What are the members and players that you work with to bring value to the market?  05:47 – The resistance faced in launching Florence Healthcare: The resistance to change in the healthcare industry coupled with the stringent FDP regulations made behavior change really difficult and required a really strong team of researchers and lawyers.08:24 – Learning what to prioritize and focus on while running the company.10:27 – Building scalability into the model instead of just focusing on problem-solving13:09 – Educating the market and building value through caring for customers15:35 – Advice for other entrepreneurs in the healthcare space18:14 – Making decisions based on customer feedback 21:39 – Rapid Fire Round.
Quote“If I were to start over, I would get my idea and niche-specific faster and make sure I am asking questions so that I get the real data.” – Ryan Jones
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Connect with Ryan Jones:Florence Healthcare - TwitterFlorence Healthcare - LinkedIn

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