Dr. Lyndsey Harper is a clinical assistant professor at Texas A&M and an attending physician at Baylor
Scott and White Health. She is also the founder and CEO of Rosy, which is an app she’s been working on.

In this episode of the HealthTech Hustle, Dr. Lyndsey shares how she left her full-time practising position
as a doctor to manage an app that caters to women’s sexual health called Rosy. She also shares how the
idea of Rosy was born and the journey of executing it and presenting it to the target market.

“Health care really lags and there’s so much opportunity to bridge this gap between the old ways of
doing things and what patients expect.”- Dr. Lyndsey Harper [25:39]

Who is Dr. Lyndsey and how did she get to where she’s at now? [1:10]

She always thought she’d be a doctor which was planned out from high school through to the hospital.
But her husband’s entrepreneurial spirit got into her and she started to look around for problems and
solutions specifically to things she had a background in. She had lots of ideas but when in practice, she
noticed that her patients needed help with sexual health. But she wasn’t trained in women’s sexual
health just like most doctors. 38% of women have less sexual desire and 49% of women have some
sexual health problems.

There is a huge discrepancy from what doctors are trained to do, how to help their patients and the
number of women that need their help. That is where she figured out her opportunity, left her practice,
and started Rosy which made her very passionate about providing women with sexual health resources.

What does the app do? [3:38]

She wanted to offer a real resource to physicians and provide it in a mobile platform for patients since
it’s a very private thing. The content belongs to her but based on scientific studies and the latest
research presentations.

How did she put together the team that brought Rosy together? [6:43]

She worked on a lot of the health content herself but outsourced for the technology aspect of it until it
was a final product but now she has her Rosy internal team.

What strategy did she use to market her product to reach the target community? [9:04]
She wanted the app to be in front of women in a private manner like mobile. They were solving a
problem for two groups of people- the women and the physicians. They decided to get the word out to
these physicians by telling them they existed, then sent them patients’ cards in the mail so they could
refer their patients to Rosy if they had a sexual problem. It was very successful where they were able to
sign 2600 physicians in the first year of existence even though they don’t have any financial connections
to them, they do love the resource.

Did they do beta testing or put out the final product? [11:38]
The testing for them never ends and the feedback comes from everywhere. They had a beta version for
both the physicians and the patients.

How many people does she have in her team of Rosy? [12:36]

They are an all-women team of five, working remotely during the pandemic.

How does she handle wearing many hats in her small team and knowing when to delegate?

She feels that her team is getting much done and at a higher pace as compared to when she was starting
and alone. She has also learned the things that she’s good at and love doing and the things that she’s
bad at and should delegate. They have learned to work together as a team.

What sort of tools is she using to organize her business while they work from home? [16:48]

They’re using the same tools they were using before and only incorporated Zoom as the new tool. They
just have to be organized and intentional about team time and staying connected.

What is her entrepreneurial journey? [19:10]

She struggled to leave her practice because she loved her patients, partners, and practitioners. She
finally decided to leave when she realized that someone else might get to run her idea. She still practices
as a hospitalist with shifts but not as much as before.

What are the major obstacles she has faced in her journey? [21:33]

It feels overwhelming when you’re not meeting your own expectations and don’t know what to do. The
ground was shaky and she didn’t have enough confidence to want to run Rosy, but she has turned that
around now. How she lets her intuition guide her.

What advice would she have for people coming into this field? [24:52]

Learn to plug in and start to talk to people around you. There are many opportunities, so look for ways
to bridge the gap between the traditional methods in healthcare and what patients expect.

Dr. Lyndsey answers the rapid-fire round of questions. [28:00]

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Relevant Links:
Rosy’s Website: https://meetrosy.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meet_rosy/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/meet_rosy/
Dr. Lyndsey’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lyndseyharpermd/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lyndseyharpermd/

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