We can track everything from the number of steps we’ve walked to our heart rate, so why not a woman’s fertility?

With more and more women wanting to interpret their menstrual cycles from understanding their bodies to becoming pregnant, there’s a need for comprehensive fertility care solutions that aren’t just convenient, but also reliable.

Based in Zurich and San Francisco, Ava Women has designed a bracelet, app and self-learning algorithm that tracks women's menstrual cycles, giving them accurate and reliable data about their fertility and how their cycle fits into the bigger picture of their reproductive health.

On this episode of HealthRedesigned, we chat with Allison Sarno, Head of Design and User Experience at Ava Women. She shares how Ava Women is using technology to revamp women’s health and helping women understand their bodies better, whether they’re tracking their cycles or determining the right moment to conceive.

Listen to this HealthRedesigned podcast episode on Hanno's website

Links mentioned in this episode:

Ava Women

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