Adam Diehl is the lead product designer at Headspace which is an app that teaches guided meditation and helps people live more mindfully. The mission of Headspace sounds simple, but it is far from it. It is to improve the health and happiness of the world.

Headspace knows that this is an ambitious and broad goal, but that is intentional because it starts with changing behaviour and perspective. As people become aware of how they feel physically, emotionally, and mentally, they become more aware of the world around them and learn to empathize, and that makes the world a better place.

Episode Highlights:

The lofty goal of Headspace to create a domino effect of change

through awareness.
How Andy Puddicombe, Headspace co-founder, moved to Tibet and became

a monk for 10 years. He realized he could apply what he learned to a

modern day lifestyle.
The other co-founder, Rich Pearson, met Andy and they decided to

create the Headspace app and reach people digitally.
They have 18 million downloads. Things have come a long way.
The modern straightforward approach to Headspace.
Use of character and animation was something they wanted to associate

the brand with from the start, although they have evolved and went through a redesign.
The new layout came down to the practice. Andy didn’t want to

restrict the users.
They increased their design research and changed the language of the

free modules and it is not called Take 10 anymore.
How a couple of monasteries may be using the app for novice monks.
They plan on continuing to optimize the meditation experience and

recommendations. They also would like to create a great community.
Being more aware and engaging with the world around you, and putting

the phone down while using a meditation app.
The dream of interacting screen free.
How Headspace attracts people who care about personal growth and how

to communicate and respond to others.
How they have guided meditations to break up the workday. It is also

a great way to connect with colleagues.
Meditation takes awhile, so try it and stick with it for awhile.

Listen to this HealthRedesigned podcast episode on Hanno's website


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