If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’ve probably pondered the question of “how much is enough?”

People who lack a performance mentality will tell you that you don’t “need” any more, but is that true?

This episode is about learning how to balance "enough" vs "more."

I think of "more" as growth - so for me that's never going to stop.

Enough doesn't exist in my vocabulary. 

You have to be careful in this thought pattern, because you could involuntarily convince yourself (or your kids, or your friends) that there's a ceiling on your potential. 

If you're like me, there's never enough.  

I'm always going to want to help more people, make more money, and I'll always want to have more.  

In this episode, I'll unpack some perspectives on the topic from other successful entrepreneurs - 7 and 8-figure people, and help you arrive at your own conclusions. 

If you're ready to take the next step in growing your health business, go to ➡️ https://podcast.healthpreneurgroup.com/show for our free training that has helped our clients grow.

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