Welcome back to the Healthpreneur podcast. Today, the question is: Are you selling or being sold? See, a sale is always being made. Either someone is buying what you’re selling – or you’re buying the story they’re selling. Yikes.

If someone has gone through the trouble of watching a webinar, filling out an application, and going through a funnel to speak with you on the phone, they’re obviously interested. If by the time you’re on the phone with them they’re giving excuses, they’ve created a story to sell to you – and themselves.

Uncomfortable conversations need to be had. Ask why. Ask why their goal is important, why they’ve booked the call, and why they care for a result. Dig deeper. It’ll help your clients – and your business. Tune in to hear how you can craft the process so it doesn’t feel sales-y, and so you can help your clients make the next move towards their goal.

1:00 – 2:30 - How a sale is always being made

2:30 – 5:00 - Selling and why our sales process works  

5:00 – 7:30 - Getting past an uncomfortable conversation with “why”

7:30 – 10:00 - Tips to sell instead of being sold

10:00 – 13:00 – Crafting the process so it doesn’t feel sales-y