Get your period back by fixing your relationship to food and fitness...

If you lost your period while you were trying to get healthy - that isn’t healthy.

Registered dietitian, Elena Kunicki, is devoted to helping women quit self-imposed rules around eating, stop over-exercising, and realize that losing their period (aka hypothalamic amenorrhea) is a wake-up call.

If you suspect the disappearance of your cycle is associated with your lifestyle choices (even if - according to your mirror, doctor, friends and family - “you don’t look underweight”), this episode is well worth a listen.

Elena shares her backstory, when her turning point came, and how she helps clients change their relationships to food and fitness so they can get their period back (without going on the pill).

We also cover all of this:

🔹the vicious cycle of trying to “eat healthy” then bingeing uncontrollably
🔹the red flags that tell Elena someone has disordered eating
🔹the myth that you have to be incredibly thin for your menstrual cycle to stop
🔹the first steps she takes with her clients
🔹the negative health consequences of not menstruating
🔹does going on the pill solve your problem?
🔹why do we have such complex relationships to food?
🔹Elena’s message to every woman missing their period because of diet and exercise

Follow Elena on Insta:

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🟥Common sense caution: Anything you hear or see within healthHackers content should not be considered personal or medical advice. You’ve all heard it before, so you know the score - always talk to your own health provider about your concerns.👌