Bolstering the most powerful tool we have against COVID-19👉 our own immune system.
Dr Gina Serraiocco works on the frontline. She has seen the effects of COVID-19 firsthand and has not only diagnosed but has successfully treated over 100 sufferers of the virus.

As a board-certified internal medicine and integrative medicine physician here in California’s Silicon Valley with the Palo Alto Medical Foundation, Dr Gina is a major advocate of adopting simple lifestyle changes to improve health outcomes.
While we all wait for a vaccine and pharmaceutical treatment methods, Dr Gina talks us through some evidence-based steps for supporting immune function to help your body fight off a virus.
Episode 52 covers:

🔹when people with COVID-19 are at their most contagious
🔹lowering unhelpful inflammation
🔹eating for good health
🔹the effect of citrus peel and green tea on your immune system
🔹stress and immunity
🔹an easy breathing meditation
🔹the exercise proven to be best for your immune system
🔹what’s vitamin P and why would we want it?
🔹evidence for vitamin D
🔹vitamin C plus zinc during an infection - research, and lozenge or capsule?
🔹why Dr Gina takes quercetin
🔹melatonin research
🔹the reason hydroxychloroquine may have helped some people
🔹why those taking Pepcid appeared to fare better against COVID-19
🔹supporting immunity during pregnancy
🔹(bonus topic) preventing dementia with habits for a healthy brain
🔹and what it feels like to be a doctor on the frontline of a global pandemic

Here’s the link to Dr Gina’s presentation on the prevention and reversal of early dementia and Alzheimer’s (mentioned in the podcast):

Dr Gina’s YouTube channel:

The healthHackers YouTube channel:

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🟥Common sense caution: Anything you hear or see within healthHackers content should not be considered personal or medical advice. You’ve all heard it before, so you know the score - always talk to your own health provider about your concerns.👌