healthHackers is back! Thanks for hanging in there for me while I moved to America. 🙏

During the series hiatus, a global health pandemic kicked off. We are all watching as world leaders make hugely consequential decisions surrounding COVID-19, so my first healthHackers guest in this new era is Ron Riggio PhD - Professor of Leadership and Organizational Psychology at Claremont McKenna College in California.

Ron has authored more than 100 books, chapters, and articles on leadership, organizational and social psychology.

In this episode, you’ll hear Ron’s expert insights on:

🔹the traits of a great leader
🔹which figures are emerging as efficient leaders in the public fight against COVID-19 right now
🔹how to recover after making a bad decision
🔹the hallmarks of ineffective leadership
🔹whether being ‘nice’ damages your leadership
🔹the power of being a follower instead of a leader
🔹who are the better leaders: men or women?
🔹are leaders born or made?
🔹advice for anyone who gets promoted and has to manage their own friends in the workplace
🔹what lessons he hopes global figures will take away from the COVID-19 crisis

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