For two decades, Alisha M. Bridges lived in shame with psoriasis, a severe auto-immune disease. Now, she strives to inspire others by unapologetically living her best life in spite of her chronic illness. In 2011 she stumbled into psoriasis advocacy  when she wrote a blog entitled, “My Suicide Letter” on an online psoriasis support group. It contained a message not about physical death, but the end of the scared little girl inside of her who was controlled by shame and lacked self-confidence, due to the stigma that accompanies a visible chronic illness. Since then this blog has been viewed over 50,000 times. Now an award-winning writer, public speaker, media consultant, health activist, comedian enthusiast, and fashionista, Alisha travels the world educating people on living a fulfilled life despite chronic illness. She advocates on behalf of patients to bridge the gap between the medical community and patients living with chronic disease.