We’re almost there folks, one episode left until we wrap up what’s really happening in the background, as we are bringing back my good friend Clayton Thomas to dive deeper and continue our conversation not just from episode #074 that was released back in February 2021, but to continue to build off of episodes 84, 85, and 86. Revealing what's really happening on the back end of our culture and global climate. Simply put, Your call to Action is to become aware of what is going on, in the world around us, focus on yourself so you can help those around you, and those you help, can pass forward, what has been shared with them.. This is another episode that we cannot post in its entirety on our Youtube channel, and will be chopped up and posted to abide by the Youtube guidelines. However the full episode is available on our Rumble page where it can be found in the podcast notes or at scotteburgess.com

12 Shortened Youtube friendly deep dives of this conversation are available at https://youtu.be/D2B_nOJDe30.

The full episode is available on Rumble at https://rumble.com/vgoty7-time-to-reboot-with-the-root-brands-clayton-thomas.html

If this is your first time navigating Rumble, please use the Healthcare 360’s referral URL to set up your account:

Healthcare360 is partnered with The Root Brands, if you decide to give what you hear a try, please go to https://www.scotteburgess.com/shop, click on The Root Brands product you are interested in, create an account and add Healthcare360 in the referral code - this will support the efforts of Healthcare360.

Healthcare360 Host:
Scott E. Burgess
[email protected]

Healthcare360 Magic Maker:
Michelle Burgess
[email protected]

Guest Info:
Clayton Thomas

Healthcare 360 Affiliates:

Referenced Links:
HC360 #086 Del Bigtree
HC360 #068 Tom Cowan https://youtu.be/9NB3e8dfvEU
HC360 #060 Dr. Christina Rahm https://youtu.be/ou2qfe254Vo
Clean Slate, Zero In, Restore https://www.scotteburgess.com/shop
Dr. Don Huber - Clayton Thomas https://youtu.be/kHy6MfaemUY
Root Clean Slate/Zero-In and Heart Rate Variability https://drive.google.com/file/d/131OZy5BkMfn_hzN2-n1mumKEIcxg57WJ/view?usp=sharing
HC360 Future Guest Manuj Aggarwal https://manujaggarwal.com/my-story/
Netflix Series Black Mirror https://www.netflix.com/title/70264888
Joe Rogan Experience #1035​ - Paul Stamets https://youtu.be/mPqWstVnRjQ
HC360 #081 Harry Matadeen https://youtu.be/SFczQofOlLw
HC360 Future Guest #088 James Corbett https://www.corbettreport.com/
ROOT TRINITY - Why CleanSlate, Restore & ZeroIn? Quick raw explanation of the issues and solution https://youtu.be/svOLnIwAHGM
The Root Brand Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TheROOTBrands/featured
Sandy & Paris with Dr Christina Rahm https://youtu.be/9LLhIrc1oJ8
Meet Lori Yach https://youtu.be/Osa8PBhte6w
Meet Ivonne Jansen-Lamers https://youtu.be/y_tdasEbYQo
Meet Tommy - Non - Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease https://youtu.be/X4uxpDuQ378
RETHINKING AUTISM Dr Dori Naerbo, Dr Stefan Rau and Clayton Thomas https://youtu.be/6C6BAXNeUis
The Pollution in Newborns - EWG ,7/14/2005
HC360 #084 Dr. Shawn Baker https://youtu.be/tguiFvm1uBs
Cure the Causes by Dr. Christina Rahm https://curethecauses.com/

Music provided by:
IMMEX - Blue Shark

Disclaimer: The information provided is for educational purposes - not intended as medical advice. It is always the advice of Healthcare360 to consult with a doctor or other health care professional(s) for medical advice.

Healthcare360 receives small commission from affilliates


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