Join me in a conversation with today’s guest Shaneé Moret, a Healthcare Marketing Phenom, who’s vivid presence on LinkedIn and her trending authentic videos are attracting those in healthcare to seek out her team at Medsnake Media. 

Shaneé is a stage 4 childhood cancer survivor, her story is amazing and she is with me today to pull the bandaid off of healthcare and talk about her expertise in this niche and how healthcare should be taking advantage of marketing opportunities in today’s competitive market. 

We will talk about leadership accessibility and social media presence, B2B growth, and how her team created a 7 figure business in 9 months. Learn more about Shaneé’s passion to help those in healthcare, how she mitigates risks and what a day in her life is like including work/life balance, intermittent fasting and why performance matters. 

We will discuss breaking down barriers, how to optimize your personal LinkedIn presence, and so much more. Hope you can join us.

Med-Snake Media:

Shannee' Moret:

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Healthcare360 discusses all topics surrounding healthcare in the US market today.  Join Scott Burgess, a seasoned consultant, in a raw, unedited and insightful conversation with today's experts in healthcare.