For this special episode, Chadi invites John Marshall (@marshalj23), MD, Chief of the Division of Hematology/Oncology, Medstar Georgetown University Hospital, and his wife Liza Marshall, a lawyer by training who was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer 15 years ago. John and Liza co-wrote a book, titled Off Our Chests, about their shared experience of overcoming her diagnosis – told from the perspective of the caregiver as well as the patient. The couple open up about their individual experiences through treatment, how difficult it was to speak candidly about their feelings in the moment, the struggles of remaining an objective physician when a spouse is the patient, the sometimes impractical nature of shared decision-making, and a host of personal anecdotes along the way.

Visit the Off Our Chests website to order the book

View Chadi’s review of the book on The Health Care Blog