Today is the day of the official launch of Chadi’s first book “Toxic Exposure: The True Story behind the Monsanto Trials and the Search for Justice.” Throughout the book, Chadi details his experience as an expert physician witness and the true story of the first three litigation trials against Monsanto and their herbicide "Roundup" which is linked to the development of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.

The special guest on this unique day is the amazing icon and legend Dr. Nassim Nicholas Taleb. Dr. Taleb is beyond introduction; a best selling author of several books that contain concepts being taught in many schools. Dr. Taleb understands risk like no other and he is famous for predicting the Wall Street crash of 2008. Nassim found himself in the crosshairs with Monsanto, a story that he shares on the podcast.

Dr. Taleb read “Toxic Exposure,” generously offered his opinion, and shared that he liked it and that he would recommend it to his colleagues and followers. They talk about many things, from GMOs to ghostwriting and some of the finer details of the way Monsanto cherry-picked research to fit its arguments as well as how Chadi handled himself throughout the trials.

Order your copy of “Toxic Exposure” today.

Read some of Dr. Taleb’s articles.

Learn more about Dr. Taleb.

Check out his books.