In this somber and forewarning episode, Chadi hosts Jodi Odell, mother of the late Jackson Odell – actor and victim of an accidental drug overdose. Jodi tells the background of Jackson’s life—from his early childhood days up through his final days at 20 years old—as a backdrop for a commentary on the drug overdose pandemic and addiction. Then, she shares his journey from rehab to a sober home, recounts the harrowing details of his final moments alive, and details the weeks that followed, up through her viral LinkedIn post about Jackson. This episode is a reminder of the fragility of life and a call to spread awareness about the drug pandemic.

Read more about Jackson’s death.

See Jodi’s LinkedIn post about Jackson.

View Jodi’s farewell video to Jackson.

Check out Chadi’s website for all Healthcare Unfiltered episodes and other content.

Watch all Healthcare Unfiltered episodes on Youtube.