Chadi invites Amy Barhorst (@amybarnhorst), MD, and Rocco Pallin, colleagues at UC Davis Health, to tackle the stigma and underdiagnosing of mental health in America and how mental illness intersects with gun violence in this country. The experts delve into whether community and person-to-person violence should be largely attributed to mental illness as well as why policy changes are the clearest way to eliminate mass shootings. Then, the conversation pivots to a true story of how their Review article on ways HCPs can help prevent injury and suicide from firearms was rejected and then plagiarized by the journal editor, all of which was all covered in a viral Twitter thread.

View Dr. Barnhorst's interview with CNN on whether shootings are a mental health issue

Read Dr. Barnhorst's op-ed in the New York Times on why the mental health system cannot stop mass shooters