Ameish Govindarajan, MD, a Hospice and Palliative Medicine fellow at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, shares his journey outlined in the Journal of Clinical Oncology's Art of Oncology piece, "Chasing Milestones," which sheds light on his personal experience as a patient diagnosed with stage 4 NSCLC. Dr. Govindarajan shares how this diagnosis influenced his career trajectory, including the pivotal decision to switch oncologists due to a lack of connection with his initial clinician. Together, he and Chadi explore the critical aspects of establishing trust with your healthcare provider and the indicators that signal a strong patient-physician relationship. Delving into his path toward enrolling in an early-phase clinical trial, Dr. Govindarajan provides valuable insights into navigating treatment decisions. Moreover, he discusses how his own care journey has shaped his approach to patient interactions, offering a unique perspective on compassionate and empathetic healthcare delivery.

Read Dr. Govindarajan’s publication in JCO.

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