In a poignant episode, USA Today investigative journalist Emily Le Coz unravels the heart-wrenching narrative of Ashleigh Anderson, a CVS pharmacist whose tragic demise serves as a cautionary tale of overwhelming stress in the workplace. Emily shares her motivations behind delving into the pervasive issue of burnout in retail pharmacy and sheds light on the very real threat it poses. She recounts the details of the Ashleigh Anderson story, where the toxic culture within retail pharmacy played a pivotal role in a life lost to the pressures of the job. Together, Chadi and Emily Le Coz navigate the profound implications of burnout, exploring its dangers and the urgent need for systemic change within the retail pharmacy landscape. This episode serves as both a tribute to Ashleigh Anderson and a rallying cry for reform in an industry grappling with the devastating consequences of unchecked workplace stress.

Read more about the Ashleigh Anderson story.

Read another piece by Emily Le Coz.

Check out Chadi’s website for all Healthcare Unfiltered episodes and other content.

Watch all Healthcare Unfiltered episodes on YouTube.