Dr. Grace Cordovano, a distinguished Board Certified Patient Advocate and the visionary founder of Enlightening Results, as well as the co-Founder of Unblock Health, delves into her personal journey, recounting her own wrongful diagnosis of advanced lymphoma and how it propelled her into patient advocacy. Drawing from her extensive experience, she sheds light on the diverse array of individuals who seek her guidance and the multifaceted challenges they face, from navigating the complexities of tumor boards to grappling with insurance denials and prior authorizations. Dr. Cordovano also illuminates her innovative approach, harnessing the power of AI to provide patient-centric counsel and support. With a deep commitment to advocating for patients at every stage of their healthcare journey, she shares insights into her involvement in end-of-life care and offers invaluable perspectives on advocating for patients in the contemporary era.

Check out Chadi’s website for all Healthcare Unfiltered episodes and other content. www.chadinabhan.com/

Watch all Healthcare Unfiltered episodes on YouTube. www.youtube.com/channel/UCjiJPTpIJdIiukcq0UaMFsA