A story about adverse reactions, the FDA, the FBI, and patients - Linda Martin, a healthcare executive, shares with Chadi a riveting dialogue about the events in her life that have transpired since she got sick and started taking a standard prescribed antibiotic. Linda tells the story of when and why she was prescribed the antibiotic, how it made her feel worse than before, and how she found similar stories of bad reactions to this drug online. Then, she explains the series of events that led to the stepping-down of the commissioner of the FDA, the FBI’s involvement into investigating drug stock conflicts within the FDA, the stalling of any legal action coming to fruition that may be linked to multiple U.S. presidents, and the suspicious death of the journalist she had been working with to expose the cover-up.

Check out Chadi’s website for all Healthcare Unfiltered episodes and other content. www.chadinabhan.com/

Watch all Healthcare Unfiltered episodes on Youtube. www.youtube.com/channel/UCjiJPTpIJdIiukcq0UaMFsA