Leadership is often lacking today in the business world because leaders are using outdated processes.

They rely on old-school methods of leadership that haven’t kept up with the evolution of society.

But truly transformational leaders have high emotional intelligence. They help coach their teams. They understand that leadership is a skill that you can develop, and they take intentional steps to improve their skills!

As a executive and life coach, Siona Henderson has worked at both small entrepreneurial companies and large organizations like Oracle.  She’s seen good leaders and bad leaders along the way, but she knows regardless of where someone falls on that scale, she can help them improve their leadership.

Siona originally got into coaching because she has always had a passion for helping people reaching their potential and goals, so working with leaders seemed like a natural fit. Her mission is to help people build a life and career they love.  Siona helps people become more intentional about the direction their career and personal life is heading.