The COVID pandemic resulted in a high incidence of patients with respiratory distress. While the use of mechanical ventilation helped some patients, others experienced acute lung failure, leading to a steady increase in the need for ECMO.

The challenge with patients on ECMO is that even the smallest movement can be life-threatening, resulting in the need for constant bedside supervision. Staff at Johns Hopkins needed to monitor these complex patients while finding ways to reduce frontline caregiver risk.

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Initiated virtual rounding so providers could monitor patients from offices, conference rooms, and home Augmented bedside staff with an eye-piece camera and microphone to provide an added layer of monitoring support to virtual rounding staff Enabled access to all real-time and retrospective waveform data from the bedside so care teams could remotely automate trends, recognize patterns, plot correlations, and more accurately and quickly assess patients and reduce risk

For a full replay of the webinar with accompanying slides please visit:

Season 1, Episode 8
Aired live on May 25, 2021
Audio: 8:27