In this episode of Healthcare Americana, host Christopher Habig invites Dr. Beth Goldstein, co-founder of Modern Ritual, to explore the transformative power of direct specialty care in dermatology. Dr. Goldstein, who has embraced the direct care model in her practice, sheds light on how this innovative approach is reshaping not only primary care but also various specialties across the medical practice spectrum.

Dr. Goldstein highlights the pressing need for improved access to dermatological care, citing long wait times and access issues prevalent in traditional healthcare models. She discusses how the direct care model in dermatology is bridging the gap between primary care and specialized dermatological services, ensuring patients receive timely and comprehensive care.

Through collaborative efforts with primary care clinicians, Dr. Goldstein explains how Modern Ritual's e-consult model allows for seamless communication and consultation, empowering primary care providers to make informed decisions about their patients' dermatological needs. She emphasizes the importance of leveraging technology and telehealth to expand access to dermatological expertise, particularly for underserved communities.

Join Christopher and Dr. Goldstein as they share insights into the challenges and opportunities of practicing direct specialty care in dermatology, and how this model is revolutionizing healthcare delivery and improving patient care.

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