Ted Tanner Jr., CTO of Watson Health. Ted was previously the CTO of PokitDok (a major healthcare company which leveraged APIs and the DokChain blockchain platform). PokitDok was acquired by Change Healthcare in 2018. Ted is an engineering executive with extensive experience ranging from startups to public corporations. Focused mainly on growth scale computing he has held architect positions at both Apple and Microsoft and has held instrumental roles in several start-ups, including digidesign (IPO and acquired by Avid), Crystal River Engineering (acquired by Creative Labs), and more. He is on the IAB for the University of South Carolina Computer Science Department as well as the Center for Intelligent Systems and Machine Learning at the University of Tennessee.

Ted's website: https://www.tedtanner.org/
IBM Watson Health website: https://www.ibm.com/watson-health
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tctjr

Topics Overview
•Introduction of Ted's background
•Journey into healthcare and technology
•Experience starting PokitDok and selling to Change Healthcare
•When did you first learn about blockchain?
•How is blockchain adoption and awareness in healthcare developing globally and domestically?
•Are you concerned about the impact of quantum computing on the world's data security systems, especially blockchains?
•Is the future of AI/ML/FL dependent on a secure blockchain network?
•What excites you most about IBM Watson Health?
•What is LinuxforHealth? Why is it important?
•Regulation of technology
•Young people and technology addiction
•What advice can you share with young technology entrepreneurs who are looking to reshape the healthcare system?
•What do you believe in that most people would disagree with?
•(Not to get political) how can technology be used to address drug taboos in our society?
•If it’s not too personal, what would you consider to be your biggest mistake?
•Favorite book that has influenced you - How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler
•What are your thoughts about the singularity that is supposed to happen in 2045?
•If you had to have micro chip implanted in your body, where would you want it to be implanted?
•Key Takeaways

News Corner
On May 20, 2021, The Chopra Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving health and well-being, announced the availability of their new, free, Never Alone mobile application, which offers individuals the ability to connect, 24/7, with curated volunteers, counselors, mental health experts/professional, local organizations, and hospitals based on their location. The app is a collaboration with CG Creative Studios and leverages the Hedera network which is a decentralized ledger technology that uses acyclic graphs to create an asynchronous Byzantine Fault-Tolerant consensus algorithm. The hashgraph technology is currently patented, and the only authorized ledger is Hedera Hashgraph. The native cryptocurrency of the Hedera Hashgraph system is HBAR.

The app allows mental health and wellness experts, from medical professionals to meditation experts, to upload content into a service registry, where it is logged on the Hedera Consensus Service and given a digital fingerprint, providing a guarantee of where that content resides and making it completely tamperproof. Users gain easy access by simply logging into the platform to view trustworthy content that they know has not been altered or falsified.

The goal of the initiative is to address the roots of human stress and suffering, advance innovation based on scientific research, and democratize access to wellness resources and everyday tools for those in need.


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Twitter: twitter.com/Healthunchaind

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