Can’t figure out why you’re not losing weight even though you’re eating right and training everyday? It’s probably because you’re exercising everyday! We live a life that is 100x more stressful than our ancestors and while exercise is important.. It itself is a stressor! Learn what you need to do to manage your training properly to continue losing weight!

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Kyle Reidhead helps everyday people achieve long lasting weight loss. He’s an online health & weight loss coach who specializes in the ketogenic diet and developing healthy lifestyle habits. Kyle takes a holistic and health first approach to weight loss, enabling his clients to not just lose weight, but thrive like a healthy human should.

Kyle is determined to make an impact on the world-wide obesity epidemic and does so by spreading evidence-based health information across his social media platforms. He is also the host of Health Simple Radio, a podcast which interviews health & wellness experts from around the world.

Download your FREE Guide to Getting Started on Keto For Weight Loss here:


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