Please join us Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 4:00 P.M. PST. for a live show with host Denise Messenger.  Michael Collins is our guest. Thirty years ago, Mike struggled with drug addiction and after seeing the effects it had on his family, he decided to seek help.  In his meetings, Mike discovered that people would use sugar as a means to cope with the withdrawals and saw how the sweet substance could be a gateway drug in itself. 

Michael Collins, founder of and Quit Sugar Summit, as well as the Board Chairman of Food Addiction Institute, has been completely sugar-free for over 30 years and has worked closely with others to help them regain lives ravaged by this addictive product.    

He raised two children sugar-free from the womb to over six years old - when they only had sugar once a month for their entire childhood.   

On a special note: His book, which was rated #1 in Healthy Living on Amazon, will be available to your audience for free for the day of the interview.  You asked for it and we deliver.