Please join us Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. PST for a live show with host Denise Messenger.  Our returning guest is Dr. Robert Weil.  Born and raised in New York, I've practiced sports podiatry over 35 years in the Chicago area

(ALMOST BUT NOT QUITE LONG ENOUGH TO LOSE MY NY ACCENT). You can check that out for yourselves by listening to my weekly radio show, "The Sports Doctor"‐‐go to (, and hear many previous shows on endless topics with many great guests,  He has treated some of the best athletes in all sports including many of the ‘85 Super Bowl Chicago Bears, tennis legends John McEnroe and Tracy Austin. A highlight of my career was watching figure skater and patient , since he was 10

years old, Evan Lysacek win the 2010 Olympic Gold Medal. He is attempting to defend his Gold in Sochi in February. Another big interest of mine is childhood obesity and I co‐hosted a 45 show podcast series, "Kids Beating Obesity" with featured experts in all areas of this huge problem. You asked for it and we deliver.