Please join us Wednesday, July 15, 2020 at 4:00 p.m. PST for a live show with host Denise Messenger.  Our special guests are: Chris Burres and Patrick Wanis.  Chris Burres is a research engineer and scientist whose primary mission is to help people live longer, healthier, pain-free lives. Burres has a background in the field of inventions and manufacturing. With a BS in Mechanical Engineering from University of Houston, Burres is a co-inventor of patents related to the use of explosives in downhole oil well drilling, a co-inventor of the most efficient fullerene manufacturing equipment in use since 1991, and co-owner of a company that manufactures a unique product containing a Nobel-Prize winning molecule that has been shown to extend the lifespan of test subjects by 90 percent. The link is for a free audiobook "Neutralize the Seven Emotions that are Holding You Hostage" and guided meditation.  Patrick Wanis is a world-renowned expert on behavioral therapy, specializing in the areas of interpersonal relationships, trauma, and human motivation. His insights have been featured on global news outlets such as BBC, Russian News Agency, MSNBC, FOX News, and CNN. Much of his work has focused on examining the role of the mind, body and physiology on behavior and psychological functioning.