High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) are exercises arranged as short bursts of tough work. The whole point of high-intensity training is to kick up the intensity, and it’s the key to boosting endurance, increasing your metabolism, regulating your insulin levels and losing body fat.

What you'll learn from this episode:

HIIT not only burns calories during the workout but after the workout as well. Learn what EPOC is and why it’s important Examples of HIIT exercises. Muscle is your metabolic currency to being healthy. How many years of life do you gain based on how much you exercise? Here are some actual numbers! Why muscle is so important. Muscle is an endocrine organ. Adding muscle to your body is a great way to support your immune system. A list of benefits that come from exercise with muscle formation. 10 ways muscle helps improve your health. Strength training is more effective at preventing an increase in abdominal fat than cardiovascular exercise.

For more information, visit my website at https://wisconsinfunctionalmed.com/

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© 2021 Tracy Page, MD