Are you unknowingly putting your thyroid to sleep with synthetic hormones?  Wake up to the truth in our latest episode, where I uncover the often ignored link between your gut health, brain function, and thyroid hormones! 

In today's episode, let's explore why 'external fixes' could be pressing the pause button on your thyroid's natural abilities and discover empowering strategies to address the root cause of thyroid imbalances. It's time to ditch the band-aid solutions and focus on what the root issues are that causing your thyroid to be out of balance. Your body has a powerful capacity for balance and healing—let's unlock it together! Tune in now and transform your thyroid health with insights that Big Pharma , insurance companies and your doctor won't tell you about! 

A sneak peak inside this episode:
🌟 We will tap into the most common hypothyroid/hyperthyroid symptoms and WHY they are occurring
🌟 I discuss dietary tips and practical actions you can take TODAY that will kickstart your healing
🌟 I dive into why the EASE Method is the key to successfully refining your health truth

Check out the EASE Method episode below:

Timestamps to follow along with:

0:00 - 1:22 Intro
1:23 - 2:52 Thyroid Symptoms
2:53 - 8:30 Nervous System & Thyroid Connection
8:31 - 13:51 How To Navigate Thyroid Symptoms
13:52 - 17:02 Gut & Thyroid Connection
17:03 - 20:17 How Do You Integrate Practical Tips?
20:18 - 21:26
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