Stress has profound impacts on our self-confidence. But why does this occur? At the heart of this lies our "monkey brain" – a primal part of our cognitive function that's wired for survival and riddled with anxiety. When under stress, our brain instinctively triggers the 'fight or flight' response, which redirects oxygen and energy to our limbs, preparing us for quick action. While this may have been crucial for our ancestors when facing predators, in today's world, it hampers our ability to think clearly, make confident decisions, and show up as our most authentic selves.

In our current day to day, our stressors look more like being on time, managing our kids and being in traffic. When we are in this state, essential systems like our digestive organs and even our brain don't receive the necessary oxygen for optimal function. This physiological shift not only clouds judgment but also erodes our self-assurance because we simply can't think clearly.

So, how do we break free from this cycle? The answer lies in mindfulness. By being acutely aware of our values and monitoring our thoughts, we can slowly train our brain to respond differently.

In this episode, you will discover:

🌟How lack of confidence can affect your daily life
🌟Where unexpected stress can come from
🌟Practical tips you can use TODAY to begin to alleviate your stress.


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