In the last episode of the Mind Your Health Podcast, Dr. Connie discussed the importance of mindfulness and awareness when it comes to eating for gut healing.

If you haven't listened to last week's episode yet, you can listen by clicking here:

Meditation is an excellent way to cultivate mindfulness and awareness by helping you tune inwards so that your mind can "occupy" your body.

In today's busy world where there's so much fighting for our attention, many of us tend to be "stuck" in our heads. When this happens, we completely ignore the signals and sensations our bodies are constantly sending us about what it needs, and instead we look to everyone else to tell us what to eat – doctors, dietitians, the internet, influencers on social media, etc.

Not only that, but dieting in itself is stressful! This stress puts your body in "fight or flight" mode, but our bodies need to be in "rest and digest" mode for optimal digestion, absorption, detoxification, and elimination.

In this episode, Dr. Connie will take you through a guided meditation to help you cultivate body awareness and shift your energy to promote optimal digestion and gut function.

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