Too often, autoimmune patients place themselves at the mercy of diets, supplements, treatments, etc. to help them recover from their illness. Many don't consider what health truly means for them. They say they want to "reverse", "heal", or be "cured" of autoimmunity but they don't know specifically what this means because it's been a long time since they've felt whole and healthy. After 21 years as an autoimmune patient, I believe autoimmunity is not a disease. It's a symptom of deeper problems that are not commonly addressed. Doctors and experts are busy telling patients to "do" all the things, but this only addresses the tip of the iceberg. We need to address the depth of the whole person.

Rather than thinking of how to be free from disease, we must ask why we have autoimmune symptoms in the first place. YOU are the solution to your problems. Self empowerment is where the answer lies and it's time you find the inner power to shift your body, mind, and soul.


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