Aisha Langford, PhD, MPH is an assistant professor of population health at NYU Langone Health. Her research interests include health communication and medical decision-making in certain chronic health conditions. Prior to working in academic research, Langford held professional roles in public relations, adult literacy, and community outreach. She is an active member of several professional societies and serves […]

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Aisha Langford, PhD, MPH is an assistant professor of population health at NYU Langone Health. Her research interests include health communication and medical decision-making in certain chronic health conditions. Prior to working in academic research, Langford held professional roles in public relations, adult literacy, and community outreach. She is an active member of several professional societies and serves as an associate editor for two journals: Clinical Trials and Patient Education and Counseling.

In this podcast, Dr. Langford talks with Helen Osborne about:

Benefits and motivations for researchers and practitioners to publish and share their experiences about health literacy.
Formats and options for sharing this information including peer-reviewed journals, online discussions, conferences, and podcasts.
Ways to access relevant data, even without easy access to academic libraries.

More Ways to Learn:

Langford AT, Hawley ST, et al. “Development of a Plain Language Decision Support Tool for Cancer Clinical Trials: Blending Health Literacy, Academic Research, and Minority Patient Perspectives.” Journal of Cancer Education, 2020. DOI:1007/s13187-019-1482-5
Langford A, Loeb S. “Perceived Patient-Provider Communication Quality and Sociodemographic Factors Associated With Watching Health -Related Videos on YouTube: A Cross-Sectional Analysis.” J Med Internet Research, 2019. DOI:2196/13512
Clinical Trials, from Sage Journals. At
Patient Education and Counseling, from Elsevier. At
National Cancer Institute, “Health Information National Trends Survey (HINTS),” at
Pew Research Center, at

Read the transcript of this podcast

The post Publishing and Sharing Health Literacy Research and Experiences (HLOL #217) appeared first on Health Literacy Out Loud Podcast.