Rebecca Sudore MD is a geriatrician, palliative medicine physician, and health services researcher. She also is Professor of Medicine in the Division of Geriatrics at UCSF (University of California San Francisco). In addition, Dr. Sudore directs the Vulnerable Populations for Aging Research Core of the UCSF Older Adults Independence (Pepper) Center and co-directs the Innovation and […]

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Rebecca Sudore MD is a geriatrician, palliative medicine physician, and health services researcher. She also is Professor of Medicine in the Division of Geriatrics at UCSF (University of California San Francisco). In addition, Dr. Sudore directs the Vulnerable Populations for Aging Research Core of the UCSF Older Adults Independence (Pepper) Center and co-directs the Innovation and Implementation Center in Aging & Palliative Care. Her research is focused on ways to improve advance care planning and medical decision-making for diverse, vulnerable older adults.

Dr. Rebecca Sudore and her team created — an interactive, online advance care planning program to help with this process. In this podcast, she and Helen Osborne talk about:

Advance care planning. A process meant to support people at any age or stage of health in understanding their own values and preferences regarding current and future medical care.
Examples of problems that often occur along with ways to help patients, caregivers, and families feel more empowered and better able to advocate for themselves and others.
prepareforyourcare.orgA free easy-to-read and easy-to-use online tool to help clinicians, community organizations, patients, and caregivers engage in the process of advance care planning. 

More Ways to Learn:

PREPARE For Your Care Available in English and Spanish.Includes easy-to-read advance directives in English and Spanish for all 50 states.
“Engaging Diverse English- and Spanish-Speaking Older Adults in Advance Care Planning”by Sudore RL, Schillinger D, Katen MT, et al. Published in JAMA Internal Medicine, December 2018. Full text available for free.
“Advance Care Planning: Communicating Clearly Before There Is a Crisis (HLOL #168),”Health Literacy Out Loud podcast interview with Aretha Delight Davis MD, JD and Angelo Volandes MD, MPH.

Health Literacy from A to Z: Practical Ways to Communicate Your Health Message, Second Edition (updated 2018),by Helen Osborne. Relevant chapters include 12 (Forms, and Other Reading-To-Do Documents, and 18 (Know Your Audience: Culture and Language).

Read the transcript of this podcast.

The post PREPARE For Your Care: An Online Tool to Make Medical Decision Making Easier for Patients and Caregivers (HLOL #192) appeared first on Health Literacy Out Loud Podcast.