Mareika Phillips is an experienced graphic designer. Now at Communicate Health, she leads the team that develops creative design solutions to make health information engaging and accessible. Phillips believes deeply in design as a universal language and focuses her work on making design accessible for all people. In this podcast, Mareika Phillips talks with Helen Osborne […]

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Mareika Phillips is an experienced graphic designer. Now at Communicate Health, she leads the team that develops creative design solutions to make health information engaging and accessible. Phillips believes deeply in design as a universal language and focuses her work on making design accessible for all people.

In this podcast, Mareika Phillips talks with Helen Osborne about:

How pictograms help many people understand health concepts. Including those who are stressed, have reading difficulties, or learn visually.
What to consider when creating or choosing pictograms. With tips about characters, colors, symbols, and using a consistent style.
Why and how to convey empathy through visuals in health materials.

More ways to learn:

CommunicateHealth is an award-winning team of content and usability experts who design and simplify health information. Sign up to receive their weekly newsletter, we heart health literacy.
“Teaching with Pictures,” an article about pictographs by Helen Osborne published in the Boston Globe’s On Call

Health Literacy from A to Z: Practical Ways to Communicate Your Health Message, Second Edition (updated 2018), by Helen Osborne. Especially relevant to this podcast is Chapter 38, “Visuals.”

The post Pictograms: Images that Represent Ideas in Simple and Literal Ways (HLOL #207) appeared first on Health Literacy Out Loud Podcast.