Janet Ohene-Frempong MS, is a plain language and cross-cultural communications consultant with decades of experience in patient/provider communications. Her accomplishments are many. They include leading workshops, keynoting conferences, writing and editing plain language projects, and consulting with a wide range of clients on health-related topics. Janet Ohene-Frempong has deservedly received numerous accolades and awards for […]

The post Health Literacy and Health Equity (HLOL #203) appeared first on Health Literacy Out Loud Podcast.

Janet Ohene-Frempong MS, is a plain language and cross-cultural communications consultant with decades of experience in patient/provider communications. Her accomplishments are many. They include leading workshops, keynoting conferences, writing and editing plain language projects, and consulting with a wide range of clients on health-related topics. Janet Ohene-Frempong has deservedly received numerous accolades and awards for her excellent work.

In this podcast, Janet Ohene-Frempong talks with Helen Osborne about:

Health literacy is not only about communicating in ways that others can understand but also including skills, actions, and other information to help people stay alive and live as well as possible.
Health equity is about giving everyone the same chance regardless of their skin color, money, education, living situation, and other life experiences.
Tips and strategies for communicating about health in equitable ways. This goes beyond clarity to include crafting messages with the audience in mind, being nonjudgmental, and considering people’s situational realities. In other words, being “open to their otherness.”

More ways to learn:

“Explainer: what is systemic racism and institutional racism?” From The Conversation website.
“Len & Ceci Doak Discuss Health Literacy’s Past, Present, and Future (HLOL #13), Health Literacy Out Loud podcast interview with Len & Ceci Doak who helped lead the way to health literacy.
Archie Willard Talks About Struggling to Read (HLOL #187).” Health Literacy Out Loud podcast interview with Archie Willard, who didn’t learn to read until he was 54 years old and diagnosed with severe dyslexia.
Communicating About Food in Culturally Sensitive Ways (HLOL #159).” Health Literacy Out Loud podcast interview with Janet Ohene-Frempong who, among her many “health literacy hats,” also has a background as a dietitian.

Health Literacy from A to Z: Practical Ways to Communicate Your Health Message, Second Edition (updated 2018), by Helen Osborne. Especially relevant to this podcast is Chapter 41, “You: Empathy and Humanity.”

Read the transcript of this podcast

The post Health Literacy and Health Equity (HLOL #203) appeared first on Health Literacy Out Loud Podcast.