Genevieve Walker, PhD, is a medical writer and editor who creates plain-language educational and marketing content for patients and other health care consumers. Through her business, Bridge Health Communications, Genevieve helps organizations strategize, develop, and execute communications with patients and the public. In this podcast, Genevieve Walker talks with Helen Osborne about: How lists are […]

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Genevieve Walker, PhD, is a medical writer and editor who creates plain-language educational and marketing content for patients and other health care consumers. Through her business, Bridge Health Communications, Genevieve helps organizations strategize, develop, and execute communications with patients and the public.

In this podcast, Genevieve Walker talks with Helen Osborne about:

How lists are used to convey a series of similar items. They include bullet points (like in this list of topics) of unordered information and numeric lists of items that happen in a specific sequence.
Ways that lists can be helpful and confusion they sometimes cause.
Tips for writing useful lists. These include limiting the amount of information, using subheads, adding pictures, and starting with cue words ike “first,” “next,” and “last.”

More ways to learn:

Bridge Health Communications
American Medical Writers Association
You are welcome to email Genevieve Walker

Health Literacy from A to Z: Practical Ways to Communicate Your Health Message, Third Edition, by Helen Osborne. Especially relevant to this podcast is the chapter, “Document Design.”

Read a transcript of this podcast.

The post Bullet Points and Other Types of Lists (HLOL #228) appeared first on Health Literacy Out Loud Podcast.