Mason Bendewald directed the video production of some of the biggest at-home workouts of all time, and he has a lot to teach about how to be compelling on camera. This is such a timely topic since many of us, for better or for worse, find ourselves needing to be on camera a lot these days. 


Mason Bendewald founded his company, Mega Mace, in 1995. Operating out of Philadelphia, they produced: commercials, corporate videos, and promos – even creating the popular Reject Film Festival in 1997. But after shooting an infomercial for, Mason moved the company to Los Angeles and shifted his focus to fitness production which was a defining moment for his growing company.


In this episode, we learn that people connect to people. So in order to make meaningful connections, your audience needs to know you and like you. Mason tells us how to do just that. He also fills us in on how to communicate as a knowledge expert, why we need to get vulnerable when telling our own stories, and how to engage our audience - even if that audience is doing a workout in a gym.  


Tune in and learn how to tap into your own invaluable art of charisma.