A.J. Loiacono

AJ is a successful entrepreneur, with 20 years of experience in pharmacy benefits and software development. As the CEO of Capital Rx, his mission is to change the way pharmacy benefits are priced and administrated in the US. Prior to Capital Rx, AJ was a co-founder of Truveris, where he served for eight years as CEO, Chief Innovation Officer, and Board Member, leading the company to record growth (Deloitte FAST 500 and Crain’s Fast50).  Prior to Truveris, AJ co-founded SMS Partners, a joint venture with Realogy (RLGY), and in 2010 exited the partnership with a buyout. In his first venture, AJ started Victrix, a pharmaceutical supply chain software consultancy, and successfully sold the company to Chrysalis Solutions in 2007.


John Marchica, CEO, Darwin Research Group

John Marchica is a veteran health care strategist and CEO of Darwin Research Group. He is leading ongoing, in-depth research initiatives on integrated health systems, accountable care organizations, and value-based care models. He is a faculty associate in the W.P. Carey School of Business and the graduate College of Health Solutions at Arizona State University.

John did his undergraduate work in economics at Knox College, has an MBA and M.A. in public policy from the University of Chicago, and completed his Ph.D. coursework at The Dartmouth Institute. He is an active member of the American College of Healthcare Executives and is pursuing certification as a Fellow.


About Darwin Research Group

Darwin Research Group Inc. provides advanced market intelligence and in-depth customer insights to health care executives, with a strategic focus on health care delivery systems and the global shift toward value-based care. Darwin’s client list includes forward-thinking biopharmaceutical and medical device companies, as well as health care providers, private equity, and venture capital firms. The company was founded in 2010 as Darwin Advisory Partners, LLC and is headquartered in Scottsdale, Ariz. with a satellite office in Princeton, N.J.

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