Question: What does a nice Midwestern gal with a passion for fitness and a talent for media, do when she wants to help others realize how to tap their own gifts and create more satisfaction in their lives? Answer: Start a radio network and bring all of the wonderful people she knows along to share their talents and offer their gifts as well! Join host Adrianna Larkin, author of “Igniting the Sacred Fire, Reinventing Yourself at Any Age” on her maiden voyage with the debut of: Sacred Fire Living, Creating the Life You Really Want Using the Gifts You Already Own. With this first broadcast Adrianna is joined by radio network founder Mary Elizabeth who has in the course of her media career interviewed Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer, Denise Linn, and Christiane Northrup. Adrianna and Mary share their knowledge and insights on how you can thrive in these challenging times and access what you need in this fast paced world. Tune in to listen or ask your questions directly by dialing (914) 338-0821.