TRIGGER WARNING: This episode discusses the subject of gun violence and death.

Health Affairs's Jessica Bylander and Vabren Watts discuss this week's school shooting in Uvalde, Texas and the recent history of gun policy in the United States.

Violence permeates our society. One response to violence is to better understand its origins and how to prevent it.

We invite you to read the Violence and Health issue of Health Affairs from 2019 to better understand the impacts that gun violence has on communities. The issue will be open access and free to read until June 1, 2022.

For Mental Health Awareness month, we'd like to share the reminder that if you are experiencing a mental health emergency, you can call the national helpline at 1-800-662-HELP for support.

Related Links:

Violence and Health (Health Affairs)Adolescent Exposure To Deadly Gun Violence Within 500 Meters Of Home Or School: Ethnoracial And Income Disparities (Health Affairs)From Sandy Hook to Buffalo and Uvalde: Ten years of failure on gun control (The Washington Post)Current Causes of Death in Children and Adolescents in the United States (New England Journal of Medicine)

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