This week I’m celebrating my diamond jubilee, 60 years of life and 40 years of ministry. πŸŽ‰πŸ’ŽπŸ™ Celebrating a life well-lived, marked by resilience, wisdom, and unwavering commitment to minister to Jesus first with an overflow of joy to serve others.

🌈 As we stand on the brink of a new year, let's reflect on the beautiful journey of 2023 and prepare our hearts for the incredible doors awaiting us in 2024. πŸŽ‰πŸ’–

πŸŒ… **Psalm 24: Preparing for the Best Year Yet!**

πŸ‘‰ *"The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein….Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? Or who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, Nor sworn deceitfully. He shall receive blessing from the Lord, And righteousness from the God of his salvation.”* (Psalm 24:1, 3-5) 🌍

✨ **Letting Go:**

🌧️ Release the good of 2023 with gratitude. Acknowledge the growth, the challenges, and the joys, and surrender them to the One who holds all things.

🌧️ Embrace forgiveness and freedom. Let go of any lingering burdens, forgiving yourself and others. Prepare your heart for the fresh start of a new season.

πŸŒ… **Embracing the Best:**

🌧️ Invite God's presence into every area of your life. Embrace His love, grace, and guidance as you step into the best that He has prepared for you.

🌧️ Cultivate a heart of gratitude. Open your eyes to the blessings around you and celebrate the goodness of God in every moment.

πŸšͺ **Entering Open Doors:**

🌧️ Position yourself for divine opportunities. Be intentional about seeking God's will and aligning your plans with His purpose.

🌧️ Cultivate a spirit of expectancy. Anticipate miracles, breakthroughs, and God's abundant provision. Declare 2024 as the year of open doors!

πŸ™ **Prayer:**

"Lord, as we let go of the good of 2023, we embrace Your best for 2024. Open our eyes to see Your hand at work, and prepare our hearts to walk through the doors You have opened for us. We trust Your guidance and declare this new year as a season of divine favor and unprecedented blessings. In Jesus' name, amen!" 🌟πŸšͺ

Get ready, Healing Rain family! 2024 is the year of open doors, and we're stepping into it with hearts full of faith and expectancy. 🌧️πŸšͺ Let's make it our best year yet! 🌈✨ #PropheticMilestones #2024OpenDoors #HealingRainPodcast #NewBeginnings