Tristan Lee is The Gorgeousness Coach and helps people look good and feel great regardless of their age. His latest book is titled Munch, Move Moisturise! How to Age Gloriously in Your Thirties, Forties, Fifties, and Beyond! and contains 47 simple, effective and easy-to-implement tips on food, fitness, faces, feelings and fun to give you a solid foundation for long-term physical and emotional well-being. Learn more about Tristan at

Looking for data to help you understand your health and wellness better? Vitagene provides actionable health plans based on DNA, lifestyle and goals. The Vitagene team consists of experts who are committed to redefining wellness and revolutionizing preventative medicine. As a Healing Powers listener you can visit for 10% off your order!

While the veil between the worlds is thinnest, Laura is offering a Spiritual Seance for people who are looking to connect with their loved ones from the other side. It will be on Sunday, November 1st, at 1:00pm Mountain Time. Learn more and sign up at

For more information about Laura and her work you can go to her website or find her on Twitter @thatlaurapowers, on Facebook @realhealingpowers and on Instagram and TikTok @laurapowers44.